Our community impact

The basis of our community impact is that human beings are created in God’s image, and therefore, we care about sustaining that image in all human interactions. We recognise that human trafficking is a blasphemous reduction of God’s image into commodities of exploitation. We are concerned about the commoditizing of human bodies that are created in God’s image and that this robs such bodies of the natural process of becoming holistically body, mind and spirit. We are perturbed that human trafficking robs the dignity of the exploited and creates several layers of traumatic memories. We are aware that those who carry such memories, however well composed with the suppressed or buried memories they may seem, bear unhealed pain, which like a ticking bomb or volcano will have to erupt sometimes at the most unexpected times.

Our community impact upholds the model of being ferments of change (rather than catalysts of change). Therefore, we invest in the creation of safe space so that every story and experience can be actively listened to as well as being able to be transformed into resources for change for the story bearer as well as the listener. Thus, Thimlela-STREAM ensures that the voice and experience of survivors that have been wounded by sex trafficking are part of who determine the when, what else and with whom of their healing journey. With such a survivor-centered approach, affected women are welcomed into the Thimlela-STREAM space of healing accompanied by their families, religious and traditional communities, academic institutions and the supportive international community so that they can be restored as part of a vibrant community of justice, dignity, wholeness and peace.

Intermediate process envisioned

Thimlela-STREAM is registered in Malawi as Company limited by guarantee, and is in the process of registration with CONGOMA.

  • As Thimlela-STREAM we have been bought and been offered land that we hope to transform into survivors’ shelter, with supportive staff, gardens for food as well as healing exercises for the survivors.
    • We are in the process of contracting an architect to make possible design for such a survivors’ shelter.
    • We are also developing a fundraising plan that focusses on the building project and the recruitment of necessary Thimlela-STREAM staff so that we can already envision the acceptance of the first intake of survivors.
  • We have piloted the Healing Together as a resources and process with 16 women volunteers, who are also interested to be trained as facilitators; and in the process of training more volunteers.
  • In collaboration with UNODC, we are processing a training workshop with the Thimlela-STREAM board so that we are equipped with the capacity to indentify victims of human trafficking. How can we transform the hostels at m’Mbelwa Institute of Higher Education and Social Justice into spaces that can be used for the healing and restoration of the survivors of sex trafficking?
  • We are in the process of organising an immersion experience and visit of possible international partners in collaboration with Notre Dame University’s Inspired Leadership Initiatives – planned for July, 2023.

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